Summer Shorts: The Narrow Door
Jesus warns us not to make any assumptions about our heavenly qualifications. Entering his kingdom requires our total commitment.
Summer Shorts: The Remedy for Lies
The remedy for false beliefs about God is a simple one: truth. And there is no better place to find truth than in God’s Word.
Summer Shorts: Blind Faith?
Depending on who you talk to, faith is either blind acceptance without reason, or a gift from God, one that makes sense of the world as it really is. Faith trusts that God is able to accomplish what we cannot accomplish for ourselves.
Summer Shorts: A Prayerful Posture
Jesus teaches his disciples a new way of praying, one that invites us to a remarkable relationship with God the Father.
Summer Shorts: Is Anything Too Wonderful For God?
God makes a covenant with Abraham, a promise of new life! But is it possible that this is just too wonderful to believe?
Summer Shorts: Who Is My Neighbour?
“Who is my neighbour?” asks a young lawyer. Jesus answers this question with a powerful story, one that reverses the question and should challenge us every day of our lives.
Summer Shorts: Carry Each Others Burdens
A burden can be defined as anything that threatens to crush the joy of our faith. We are commanded to gently, lovingly reprove each other when we drift away from the Cross of Christ.
What’s So Good About the Good News?
Christianity is not a religion of “Dos and Don’ts”; it is a transformative relationship with God, based on grace, encountered through faith in the cross of Christ Jesus.
Thrice Holy God
The Christian life is about knowing and encountering God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, not just intellectually but personally, in relationship with Him.
A Pentecost Miracle
Even after three years of walking alongside Jesus doing ministry, the disciples were not yet ready for the mission that lay ahead of them. They had to wait in Jerusalem for the same Spirit that enables the Christian mission today.
Why Did Jesus Have to Leave?
It is to our joyful advantage that Jesus ascended to the "right hand" of the Father.
A Gift for Orphans
The Lord’s prayer is a gift for orphans. Being adopted in Christ Jesus we can rejoice in the Holy Spirit who comforts, and intercedes for with sighs too deep for words.
The Suffering God
We all understand that suffering is part of being human in a fallen world. But when God enters into our suffering with us, something glorious occurs.
What’s So Good about the Good Shepherd?
Jesus is the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his flock. He knows us each by name, he knows our hearts, and he calls us to follow him into eternal life.
An Expectation of Surprise
When challenged in faith, don’t fall back into the easier ways and habits. Trust the One who is doing the heavy lifting. And expect to be surprised. Trust and obey.
Not Being Silent
In a short space of time Peter went from denying Jesus to the declaration, “We cannot keep from speaking about what we have seen and heard.” Jesus, through his death and resurrection, and the power of the Holy Spirit opened something new in Peter.
Seeking the Risen Saviour
The Right Reverend Charles Masters summarizes the events leading up to and surrounding Christ’s death and resurrection.
What Love Looks Like
Jesus embodies his own kind of love and service - the way and manner we are to love; a love that is not about positioning and power play.
Entering Into Holy Week
During Holy Week Jesus invites us to follow him into Jerusalem and eventually to a cross on a hill where we see the radical love of a perfect and holy king.
Christ our Cornerstone
Jesus is the the cornerstone upon which everything stands or falls. Will we stumble over him or will we be build up in him?