Sunday Services
Sunday Worship Service
Time: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
This service uses modern liturgy and features a mix of contemporary and traditional music.
There are some parking options in the downtown core.
The lot immediately behind the church on Gloucester Street charges a flat fee of $3 for all day parking on weekends.
The World Exchange Plaza (111 Albert St) offers free parking on Saturday and Sunday.
The City of Ottawa offers some free street parking and parking in city lots on weekends within the downtown core (please ensure to read posted signs).
For more information on parking options with the City of Ottawa please click here.
If you are coming to St. Peter and St. Paul's for an evening service or event the City of Ottawa offers some free parking. Be sure to check signage and metres to find out how much parking costs.
Special Needs
At St. Peter & St. Paul’s we try to make our church a welcoming place for all. This includes the following measures for those with special needs:
Building Accessibility: Those with mobility issues are invited to access the church by using the driveway on Gloucester Street, which leads to the back ramp door, where this is a button to open the door. Once inside, there is a lift available, which provides access to all our ministry areas.
Large Print Resources: Large print Bibles are available in the church.
Sensitivity to Gluten: Gluten-free wafers are provided at Holy Communion for those who require them, and they are served on a plate separate from the regular wafers.
Weekday Services
Weekday Holy Communion
Wednesdays at 12 PM
This is a spoken service and is a great way to spend some time in worship in the middle of your busy work week. Some of our major feast days (Saints' Days) are celebrated at these services. Everyone is welcome.
Morning Prayer
Day: Online Every morning (except Sunday’s)
Time: 8:00 am – 8:30 am
A historic practice of the Church is meeting in the morning together for prayer. In the Anglican tradition, we use the Morning Prayer liturgy from The Book of Common Prayer that can be found at www.dailyoffice2019.com. Morning Prayer grounds us daily in reading Holy Scripture, confessing our sins to God, confessing our faith, praising God, and expressing our own thanksgivings and requests in prayer. A group of parishioners gather at 8 AM daily (Monday through Saturday) on Zoom to practice morning prayer together. All are welcome. Contact admin@peterpaulottawa.com to get connected.
Prayer Ministry
St. Peter & St. Paul’s is a community of prayer. We value prayer as the undergirding of our faith and life, and as the chief means by which we commune and communicate with Jesus, experience an intimate relationship with Him, and invite and discern the Lord’s direction in our lives.
Prayer Teams, who minister to all who seek prayer for any concern during the communion time at the 10:30 am service. These prayer ministers are trained, and meet regularly with staff clergy.
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Join us every Thursday morning at 10:45 am online for a time of study and growing in God's Word. This is one of longest running ministries at St Peter and St Paul's. Participants meet together to discuss different books of the Bible, themes in scripture, and how God's Word informs our lives today. Most weeks our study is lead by one of our senior staff clergy.
If you're interested contact the church office at admin@peterpaulottawa.com to get connected.