Our Leadership


The Reverend Dr. Ben VanderHeide


Ben Vanderheide joined our pastoral team May 2021 as curate and he became rector of the parish in December 2023. Ben is no stranger to Anglicanism. When he came to faith in 2003, he worshipped at St. George’s (now St. Peter and St. Paul’s), served for 3 years as an Artizo Intern at St. Alban’s (now Church of the Messiah), worked for 1 year as an assistant Artizo trainer at St. John’s Shaughnessy (now St. John’s Vancouver). For 8.5 years, he served as the pastor of Lakefield Baptist Church (Lakefield Ontario), and has come to us out of a longing to hold together an evangelical-sacramental-charismatic way of being and making disciples of Jesus Christ. His life verse: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you abide in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Ben is a graduate from Regent College Vancouver (MDiv) and Tyndale University Toronto - Spiritual Formation (DMin). He enjoys the outdoors, running, cycling, basketball, music, coffee, and reading.

Ben is married to Carolyn, they have 4 children: Hannah, Noah, Gabriel and Joshua, and they are excited to be back in Ottawa!

The Reverend Michelle Terwilleger


Michelle Terwilleger joined the pastoral team at St Peter & St Paul's as associate rector in November 2014. Since then, she has assumed the role of vicar, as she continues to support the rector in his leadership while also overseeing staff, prayer ministries, pastoral care, and other parish responsibilities. She moved to Ottawa from her hometown of Lexington, Kentucky. Prior to coming to Ottawa, Pastor Michelle worked as a hospice chaplain for five years while serving at Anglican churches in the Lexington area. Pastor Michelle earned her Master of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky.

Michelle’s first career was in journalism. She worked as a newspaper reporter in various California locales. It was in Bakersfield, California that she became involved in the Anglican tradition, met Jesus afresh, and received her call to the priesthood.

The power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to change people and their lives – including her own – is something that Michelle continually gives thanks for. She has a passion for Christian discipleship and enjoys encouraging people to mature in the faith, as the apostle Paul writes, “We must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ” (Ephesians 4:15).

Pastor Michelle enjoys the beauty and quality of life she finds in the Ottawa area, particularly the Rideau River, Gatineau Park, and BeaverTails.

The Reverend Harman Thomas


Harman Thomas joined the pastoral team as Curate here at St. Peter's and St. Paul's in the late summer of 2024. He and his wife Christine Yeung moved here from Vancouver, BC, where they met at Regent College and where they both received their Masters in Divinity. 

Harman was raised in the faith and since, he was a teenager, he knew his calling in life was "to love people well." He attained his Bachelors in Psychology from the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga with a counseling focus, and it was in Chattanooga where Harman first discovered Anglicanism. The Lord used the liturgy, sacraments, and historical rootedness of the Anglican Way to woo Harman back to Himself when Harman  experienced a season of agnosticism, and Harman has not been able to get enough of Anglicanism's sacramental life ever since. 

He was ordained a priest in Montana in 2020 and served in a church plant as the Pastor of Family and Youth Discipleship in Missoula, Montana until the Lord called him back to Vancouver to marry Christine and pursue further theological education.

Harman and Christine share passions for scuba diving, hiking, and cooking new recipes, but when he's not doing those, you'll likely find him in his spare time fly fishing or reading fiction. He is a self-described "theology nerd" (ask him his favorite theology quote sometime), and is passionate about pastoral care, spiritual discipline, and prayer book spirituality.

Ministry Staff

Carolyn VanderHeide

Director of Children’s Ministry

Carolyn Vanderheide began her role as Director of Children’s Ministries in 2021. She earned her Master of Divinity degree from Tyndale University with a concentration in Christian education and discipleship in 2023.

Born and raised in Ottawa, Carolyn attended St Peter’s and Paul’s in the early 2000s and returned to the area with her family after 13 years away. Her return to St P&P's is both a new beginning and a returning home.

Carolyn has worked for almost two decades with children in a variety of capacities; as an advocate, encourager, and teacher. Her roles have taken her to Costa Rica, Germany, and Lesotho. In 2018, Carolyn felt the Lord calling her to develop her ability to minister to children and families and enrolled at Tyndale University. 

It is Carolyn’s deep conviction that a strong Christ-centered children’s ministry is essential to the health of Christian families and our witness in the world today. She wants each and every child to grow in the knowledge of God’s great love for them and to know what it means to have their identity rooted in Jesus. Carolyn wants to encourage, support and empower families and caregivers to seek Jesus and to learn what it means to follow Him everyday.

Carolyn and her husband, Ben, have four children: Hannah, Noah, Gabriel, and Joshua.

Parish Council

Evan Baker

Rector’s Warden

Born and raised in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Evan moved to Ottawa from Toronto in 2001 to work on a short-term fundraising campaign for an eastern Ontario hospital.  Evan and his wife Lisa (a cradle Anglican) and son Liam have attended St. Peter and St. Paul’s since 2015.  In addition to serving at the church in various volunteer roles, Evan sits on the diocesan Canons Committee and assists the Packer College working group on fundraising.

A public servant since 2009, Evan is currently a Senior Investment Officer at Global Affairs Canada, where he works to attract automotive investment to Canada.  With a BA in Anthropology (concentrating in Archaeology), his career path (much like his coming to Christ) has been anything but straight forward.

Karen Walker

Vestry Clerk

Originally from Cornwall, Ontario, Karen has lived in Ottawa since 1996. Karen, her husband Wes, and their three children found a home at St. Peter & St. Paul's Anglican Church in 2012. The entire Walker family quickly found ways to serve the parish in various ministries. Karen is currently involved with the Women’s Ministry and assists in the Church office.

Karen has a passion for classical, Christian education. She taught drama and the history of theatre at a local Christian school for several years. While teaching, she wrote original plays and adaptations of classic works for her students and staged full productions. She was also a member of the school's Parent Committee for over a decade, filling various roles including Secretary, Vice-Chair, and Chair. 

When not reading an old book or cooking for her family, Karen works as a freelance editor.

Larry Ross


Larry grew up in and around Ottawa, and with a few sojourns to foreign lands - has spent most of his life not too far from the nation's capital.  He and his wife Nancy first became part of the congregation as a young couple.  Work opportunities took them to Atlanta and then England where their sons were born, but they grew up in this parish. From youth group, to House group, food for Alpha, the Canada Day water project, two previous stints on Parish Council, working the Sunday morning projection, the negotiations committee, and more, Larry has seen the church from many perspectives. 

He is finally using his math degree at church in his role as treasurer, as he continues his career in the high-tech sector. If you want to start a conversation with him, his wife suggests asking him about automated unit testing.

Roger Short

General Director

Raised in the postwar UK by Welsh parents, Roger encountered the Gospel via a school friend and IVCF at the age of 13. A small independent chapel became the centre of his out of school world.

After university, he began post-graduate studies in Winnipeg and met Joan, an Ottawa native and dancer with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet. Marriage, family and teaching took up the next 40 years. The two joined the parish in 1975 and have been here since.

Roger has been involved in many aspects of church life with a particular emphasis on the building's needs, through the Building Management Committees. He has also served as Deputy Warden and Rector’s Warden and appreciates how his family has been greatly blessed by this Christian community.

Ken Gracie

Synod Rep

Ken grew up on the southern edge of the Canadian Shield in northern Saskatchewan. After finishing high school in Regina, he studied electrical engineering at Queen’s University (BSc (Eng)/MSc (Eng)). With the exception of a year pursuing theological studies at Regent College, Vancouver (DipCS), he has worked for Innovation, Science, and Economic Development (ISED) Canada in Ottawa as a telecommunications engineer since 1996.

Ken served as Chair of the Board for The Journey, an Ottawa Mennonite Brethren church, from 2013-2017. At St. Peter and St. Paul’s, he is privileged to lead a small group and participate in Place to Go. Ken loves words and ideas and doing work well.

Iain was born and raised in Ottawa where he attended Carleton University and completed a Bachelor of Arts, History in 2018.  Iain began attending St. Peter & St. Paul’s in 2013 with his family and has been going to church there since then.  He is grateful for the friendships he has made at the church, particularly through the young adults group Quo Vadis.  Iain is currently working as a security guard and, in his spare time enjoys reading, especially history and science fiction, and playing board games.

Iain Sanderson

General Director

Kaleb Earl

Synod Rep

Born in Kingston, Ontario, Kaleb Earl has called Ottawa home ever since he moved here for school in 2008. It was through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship that he first met Jesus in his undergraduate years. He would go on to pursue an MA in Philosophy, and most of a PhD in Political Theory. These days he's an aspiring government office worker, but mostly he spends his time and energy reading, playing board games, and drinking tea. Kaleb has been a member of St P&P's since 2019, and has been involved with the Altar Guild since then. It is a blessing and an honour to serve as the Altar Guild Coordinator.

Belinda Riscalas

General Director

Belinda Riscalas first started attending St. Peters and St. Paul’s church (formerly St George’s) in late 1997 after moving to Ottawa to pursue a career in international affairs. Originally from South Africa, Belinda was thrilled to find this warm, welcoming, prayer and Christ-centred church which is deeply committed to sharing God’s love from the heart of Ottawa. Belinda first became a Christian in her early teens at a summer camp in the eastern cape of South Africa and especially enjoys seeing children and young people grow and become strong believers. With a BA joint honours in politics and German from Bristol University (UK), she loves to meet people from different cultures and languages having lived in four countries, learnt a number of foreign languages and backpacked around the world after graduating and again with her family! Her other interests include cottage activities (hiking, skiing, swimming), salsa dancing, tennis, music and reading. Belinda and her husband, Andre, met through a chance encounter at the church’s outreach event at a local park and have been married for over twenty years. They are the parents of three wonderful boys who share their deep faith and are active members of the parish and wider Christian community.

Dale Edmonds-Mutcher

People’s Warden

Dale Edmonds-Mutcher has been around St P&Ps for a long time, going back to the 1990s with a few side excursions to try some church projects. He is glad to find a home at St P&Ps and in our Anglican heritage, and join in the work of how to care for this world where so many things are broken.

Dale grew up on a small farm outside of Thunder Bay.  He lived in Kingston for university and then moved to Ottawa. He has worked in high-tech since the 1990s, ending up working in chip design and project management. When it fits in, he enjoys doing self-propelled sports like biking, XC skiing, kayaking, and hockey. 

Honorary Assistants

The Reverend Karen Bergenstein

Associate Priest

I grew up in the Niagara area and moved to Ottawa to go to Carleton University where I studied Math, Economics and some Computing Science. I was involved in competitive fencing for many years which is how I met my husband, John. We celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary last December 2020.

Although I am a cradle Anglican and grew up going to church regularly, I left church behind when I moved away from home and only returned to have our two children baptized and attend Sunday School. Eventually, they gave up going but I continued as I loved to sing in the choir where I made good friends.

What faith remained from my childhood years continued to waver until I attended an Alpha Course where I finally gave my life to Jesus and was filled with the Holy Spirit. My life changed forever, leading eventually to ordination to the priesthood in ANiC.

The Rev. Pat Coulombe and I planted a church in Blackburn Hamlet where we served for 10 years. It was a challenging time for both of us – what did two middle-aged women know about church planting – but the Lord was so faithful to us.

I am now retired and enjoying our three young grandchildren who, fortunately for us, all live in Ottawa. We enjoy our time at the cottage in the summer months and look forward to the time when we can travel again.

I am thankful to be part of St. Peter and St. Paul’s where I hope to get to know many more of you in the future.

The Venerable Desiree Stedman

Associate Priest

I grew up in Ireland the daughter of an Anglican Priest. I graduated as a Physiotherapist and worked in the National Children’s Hospital in Dublin. My husband is originally from Jamaica but we met in Dublin where he was training as a Doctor. We came to Canada in 1971 and have come to love this country which is now our home. Although raised in a Christian home I came to personal faith in Jesus in 1978. I set out to prove that my new sense of vocation could not possibly be true. I lost that battle and was ordained 1987. I was curate at St John’s Elgin Street, Rector of St Mary’s Russell and St. Matthew’s in the Glebe.  I took early retirement to begin working for ANiC.

We have 3 children all of whom live in Toronto and after a long wait one grandson! I am very grateful to the members of St.Peter and Paul for the warm welcome I have received since joining last year. And I am honoured to be one of Brent Stiller’s appointees as Honorary Assistant.

The Reverend Archie Hunter

Associate Priest

The Rev’d Archie Hunter is the Episcopal Commissary of the Anglican Network in Canada and oversees ANiC Church Plants and Projects in the Ottawa Valley. At St Peter & St Paul’s he celebrates the noonday Healing Eucharist many Fridays, and helps where needed in other areas of parish life. He emigrated from Scotland in 1957 and worked as a Civil Engineering Technician for the Municipal Government in Ottawa. He received an LTh from Montreal Diocesan College and a Dip Min from the Montreal Institute for Ministry in 1978 and was ordained to the priesthood that same year. Before retiring from full-time ministry in 2002, Archie served as Rector of the parishes of Combermere, Arnprior, St George’s, (now St Peter & St Paul’s), and St John the Divine, Nepean. He was a founding member of Anglican Renewal Ministries and instrumental in introducing the Alpha Course to the Anglican Churches in Ottawa area. His particular interests are Christian healing, church growth, church planting, and spiritual renewal. Archie and his wife Christine have three adult children and three grandchildren. He enjoys watching soccer, reading, travelling, and puttering around the garden.

The Reverend David S. Crawley

Rector Emeritus

The Rev'd David S. Crawley, was ordained as priest at Christ Church Cathedral, Ottawa, in 1977. Prior to his ordination, David worked as a staff member for IVCF in Peterborough, Ontario. He studied theology at the University of Nottingham and St. John’s Theological College, UK, where he received the equivalent of a Master’s of Divinity degree. David served in four parishes in Eastern Ontario before coming to St. Peter & Paul’s. After 19 years of as Rector in this parish, David resigned as Rector, and continues in active ministry within the parish and beyond.

David married Anne in 1970 and together they have three daughters and now four wonderful grandchildren. Anne is an RN working in the Ottawa region. Anne and David share a joint calling to the healing work of Christ and have given leadership together and individually in the equipping of the body of Christ in this vital area of Christian ministry especially where it intersects with the call to Discipleship.

David enjoys music, reading, outdoor sports, and spending time with Anne and his grandchildren, all of whom help to bring balance to his life and ministry. He continues to be passionate about the ways in which the Gospel of Jesus Christ enables transformation at the individual, congregational, and community levels.

The Right Reverend Pie Ntukamazina

Associate Priest

Right Rev'd Pie Ntukamazina is the Bishop of the Reformed Church of Burundi. Was first ordained Pastor in the Methodist Church, Burundi, in 1982 and was priested at St. Peter Cathedral at Matana, Anglican Church of Burundi, in 1988. Prior to his ordination, he worked as a staff member at Christian Council of Burundi, formerly called” Alliance Protestante du Burundi”, then worked as Chaplain at State University of Burundi.

Bishop Pie was consecrated Bishop in 1990 in the Diocese of Bujumbura, where he served the Anglican Church of Burundi for 24 years, up to March 2013. He (along with 10 Anglican Clergy members) founded the Reformed Episcopal Church of Burundi since December 2013. He studied Theology and received B.TH. From Kenya Highlands College in Kenya, received Master’s of Arts in Theology, with a major in Christian Counseling from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon in US. His particular interest is teaching, preaching spiritual renewal and Christian counseling and healing ministries. The Gospel commits him to community transformation. Bishop Pie’s primary ministry focus in in the development of an African-Canadian Fellowship Ministry at St P&Ps, where he serves as associate priest.

Pie is married to Clavera since 1984 and together have four (2 sons and 2 daughters) and two grand children. He enjoys reading, music and interacting with people through outdoor sporting. He likes sharing faith and preaching the Good News that transforms people’s life and communities.