In response to God’s holiness and grace.
Worship is our and joyful and Spirit-resourced response to God, who has graciously revealed himself to be known and revered in Jesus Christ. We respond with gratitude in the self-offering and surrendering of our bodies, minds and hearts - the whole of our humanity. In worship, we give our praise and honour to the One who deserves it and invites us to know and trust him intimately in all aspects of life. St. Peter and St. Paul’s is a worshipping community. Worship is a core value.
The Bible
We affirm scriptural truth and historic Christian faith.
Holy Scripture contains all things necessary for salvation. The Bible nourishes, teaches, and corrects us when we are wrong, and trains us how to live faithful lives honouring God. As members of the global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans, we affirm the Jerusalem Declaration (2008), and affirm the theological statement of the Anglican Church in North America. We enthusiastically uphold the supreme authority of the teaching of Holy Scripture as understood within the doctrinal and formularies of historical Anglicanism. The Bible is our guide and our light. It teaches us, shapes us and directs everything we do. St. Peter and St. Paul’s upholds Scriptural truth and the historic Christian faith as a core value.
Evangelism & Discipleship
For the nurturing and formation of followers of Jesus.
One of the last things Jesus taught his closest followers was to share the good news of salvation, forgiveness, and grace. Without these we would be lost and without hope, and would have to endure the consequences of sin - death. We are committed to sharing this good news with others, and want every Christian person to be able to clearly and boldly speak about Jesus Christ with others. Having come to saving faith in Christ, God wants us to be nurtured by his Word and Holy Spirit - to become mature and fruitful members of Christ’s Church.
All Christians are ministers of the gospel. We are disciples and apprentices of Jesus. We are committed to equipping all church members to grow and flourish in their faith journey, and to be equipped to serve Jesus, and this mission of God’s Church. St. Peter and St. Paul’s is a church that values evangelism and discipleship for the nurturing and formation of followers of Jesus. Evangelism and discipleship for the nurturing and formation of followers of Jesus is a core value.
How we participate with God in everything we do.
Prayer is an act of worship that brings glory to God and reinforces our need for His life in ours. All of life is prayer. God doesn’t leave us where we are, or where we would prefer to remain. His intention is to change and transform our character into the very likeness of Jesus himself. The Church is, therefore, called to always be at prayer - to be in constant listening conversation with our Father, giving thanks, praising and interceding. St. Peter and St. Paul’s is a praying parish. Prayer is a core value.
Because God is generous.
Christian hospitality reflects the gospel. Just as God, in Christ, has lavished us with his gracious love and mercy, we too are to be hospitable and generous toward others. We share hospitality with our friends, enemies, and strangers, alike. St. Peter and St. Paul’s is a place of hospitality. Hospitality is a core value.
Because God is merciful to us.
In Jesus, God has shown us incredible mercy, loving us even while we were in sin. He has met us with profound compassion and kindness. We are in turn called to be compassionate and merciful to others. St. Peter and St. Paul’s is a church that values mercy and shows mercy. Mercy is a core value.
Preparing effective leaders now and for generations to come.
The training and development of lay and ordained leadership is critical to the vibrant sustainability of the ongoing mission and ministries of St Peter and St Paul’s. Church leaders are called “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12–13). We are committed to providing on-going teaching, mentoring and equipping of all kinds and types of leaders to build up and strengthen the body of Christ, so that the mission of our parish would be vibrant and sustainable for generations to come. St. Peter and St. Paul’s is a church that believes in equipping and preparing effective leaders now and for generations to come. Equipping and preparing effective leaders now and for generations to come is a core value.
Our Parish History
St Peter & St Paul's was originally founded as St George's in 1885 and has met at the corner of Metcalfe and Gloucester ever since. A rich history of faithful Gospel ministry to the downtown of Canada's National Capital culminated in the historic decision in 2008 to join the Anglican Network in Canada in order to continue faithfully within the Anglican tradition. Though the parish stayed much the same, a name change was required, and as has been often said by parishioners, "we traded in one saint, and got two in return."

The Anglican Communion is the third largest denomination in the world. Established during the Protestant Reformation as part of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, Anglicans seek to be biblically faithful while retaining the ancient traditions of the Faith. As such, Anglicanism has no unique thought, practice, creed, or confession of its own. It has only the historic Faith of the ancient Church: built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone, upheld in the Scriptures, preserved in the Creeds, defined by the Councils of the undivided Church, and liturgically expressed in praise to God through The Book of Common Prayer.
St Peter and Paul's is a parish of the diocese of the Anglican Network in Canada. More information about ANiC can be found here. As an ANiC parish, we are part of the Province of the Anglican Church in North America. More information about ACNA can be found here.