The Prodigal Son. Which Son?
What kind of heart do we have for those who don't know Jesus?
Who is God?
The word ‘God’ means widely different things to different people. So how can we know who God really is and why does it matter?
Bringing us Back to the Focus of Call
Pressing into the Narrow Door
When the door to the Kingdom of God is shut, on which side will you find yourself?
Jesus - Fully and Truly Tempted
Play-acting Faith
Ash Wednesday gives us the opportunity to reflect on our mortality, and be postured for the season of Lent and the passion of Christ.
Bringing Heaven to Earth
Jesus brought his disciples to a mountaintop to witness a conference of world-changing significance.
On Mission
Our God is on mission to save his people from sin. We are invited into his mission to proclaim the good news of Jesus. What will it look like to accept this mission?
Loving Beyond the Chasm
What do you think will transcend a culture of moral relativity? The self-sacrificial love of Jesus seen in the lives of our parish community.
By the Grace of God
How could a man who breathed out murderous threats against Christians ever become a Christian apostle?