Our Daily Bread (2022-07-24)
Martha & Mary (2022-07-17)
A Prayer for Spiritual Growth (2022-07-10)
Carrying the Burdens and Wounds of one Another (2022-07-03)
Fruit of the Spirit (2022-06-26)
Service of Baptism & Confirmation (2022-06-19)
God's Faithfulness (2022-06-12)
What Does This Mean? (2022-06-05)
Ask and You Shall Receive (2022-05-22)
An Abiding Place (2022-05-15)
Are you the Messiah? (2022-05-08)
Staying Focused on Christ’s call when life isn’t going our way (or when we’re just plain moody!) (2022-05-01)
Deep Dive (2022-04-24)
The Resurrection - nonsense? (2022-04-17)
Jesus' Gifts of Love (2022-04-14)
The Prodigal (2022-03-27)
Repent or Perish (2022-03-20)
Pursuing Self over the Cross of Jesus (2022-03-13)
The Reality of Temptation (2022-03-06)
The Rector's Charge 2022 (2022-02-27)
Speaker: The Reverend Canon Brent Stiller
Scripture: John 20:19-31
In life we can’t control the ‘where’ or the ‘what’ but we can, by God’s grace, speak and live into the ‘how’..