The Option of Forgiveness? (2022-10-02)
Entering Spaces We Avoid & Loving Those Precious To God (2022-09-11)
Following Jesus - The Narrow or Broad Way? Adventurous or Safe? (2022-08-21)
The Joy of Being Rich toward God (or, how not to be a follower of Jesus) (2022-07-31)
Staying Focused on Christ’s call when life isn’t going our way (or when we’re just plain moody!) (2022-05-01)
Pursuing Self over the Cross of Jesus (2022-03-13)
The Rector's Charge 2022 (2022-02-27)
Speaker: The Reverend Canon Brent Stiller
Scripture: John 20:19-31
In life we can’t control the ‘where’ or the ‘what’ but we can, by God’s grace, speak and live into the ‘how’..
God's Wild Grace, for Everyone! (2022-01-23)
Jesus's Inaugural Speech Offends our Sensibilities.
Letting the Word Study Us - Lectio Divina (2022-01-02)
Where ever we are in the adventure of life, our essential location and beingness is found in Christ Jesus. He is the eternal Word, through whom all things were created - in whom we live and have life everlasting.