Heaven (2024-04-28)

Under the Care of the Good Shepherd (2024-04-21)

Hard to Believe (2024-04-14)

Believing Thomas (2024-04-07)

A Tough Ask (2023-04-30)

Road To Emmaus (2023-04-23)

Moving Through Locked Doors (2023-04-16)

Resurrection (2023-04-09)

Bread and Wine, Towel and Basin (2023-04-06)

The Promised King (2023-04-02)

Deep Dive (2022-04-24)

The Resurrection - nonsense? (2022-04-17)

Jesus' Gifts of Love (2022-04-14)

Everything Belongs to God - we're privileged to manage it (2021-04-25) Part 1 of 3

Confession - A Way Of Walking In Grace (2021-04-18)

Doubt (2021-04-11)

Resurrection - a bodily, life changing event (2021-04-04) Easter Sunday

The Road to Emmaus

Not Being Silent
In a short space of time Peter went from denying Jesus to the declaration, “We cannot keep from speaking about what we have seen and heard.” Jesus, through his death and resurrection, and the power of the Holy Spirit opened something new in Peter.

Seeking the Risen Saviour
The Right Reverend Charles Masters summarizes the events leading up to and surrounding Christ’s death and resurrection.