Parish Update
Almighty God, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, you revealed the way of eternal life to every race and nation: Pour out this gift anew, that by the preaching of the Gospel your salvation may reach to the ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
In 1976, Francis Schaeffer published How Should We Then Live? The book opens with this statement: “There is a flow to history and culture. This flow is rooted and has its wellspring in the thoughts of people. People are unique in the inner life of the mind – what they are in their thought world determines how they act. This is true of our value systems, and it is true of our creativity. It is true of our corporate actions, such as political decisions, and it is true of our personal lives. The results of our thought world flow through our fingers, our tongues and into the external world.”
Contemporary theologian James K.A. Smith wrote about how we are motivated by how we feel and what we desire in You Are What You Love:
“To be human is to be animated and oriented by some vision of the good life, some picture of what we think counts as ‘flourishing.’ And we want that. We crave it. We desire it. This is why our most fundamental mode of orientation to the world is love. We are oriented by our longings, directed by our desires. We adopt ways of life that are indexed to such visions of the good life, not usually because we ‘think through’ our options but rather because some picture captures our imagination.”
I think both Schaeffer and Smith are correct: our thoughts and feelings have consequences in how we live. Today, more than at any other time in the history of humanity, we are bombarded by images and ideas influencing the way we think and tugging on our heartstrings. Who should we vote for? How do we respond to the threat of a tariff war with the United States? Is it possible to have a healthy relationship with our cell phones, social media, and new technological advancements like AI?
As followers of Jesus Christ, we see Jesus and the Kingdom He is ushering into our world as the vision of the good life, and we believe that He gives us clear direction and guidance, through His Word, and the presence of the Holy Spirit, to help us navigate the ethical issues of our day, so that we are able to “be in the world but not of it.”
This Lent, as part of our ongoing sanctification and learning, we are dedicating time to engage with several ethical issues that many of us have been wrestling with. You are invited to join us for our Lenten adult education series: Engaging the Culture: Christian Ethics, Politics, Technology, and Sex. This will take place from 9 AM to 10 AM on Sundays in Stiller Hall, beginning March 9.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your act of spiritual worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:1-2)
The Collect of St Peter & St Paul
Almighty God, whose blessed apostles Peter and Paul glorified you by their martyrdom: Grant that your Church, instructed by their teaching and example, and knit together in unity by your Spirit, may ever stand firm upon the one foundation, which is Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
UPCOMING EVENTS – Mark Your Calendars
February 22: Brothers of St P&P’s Breakfast
February 23: Sunday Service with Junior Church and Nursery at 10:30 AM
February 23: Vestry Meeting (Annual General Meeting) at 12:45 PM. Please bring a lunch. Members unable to attend can download a proxy form here.
February 26: Midweek Eucharist Service at 12:15 PM
March 1: Choral Evensong Service at 5 PM
March 4: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 5 PM to 7 PM
March 5: Ash Wednesday Services at 7 AM, 12:15 PM, and 7 PM
March 6: Lenten Spiritual Formation Group: New Life in Christ, Thursdays at 6 PM. Register here.
Looking ahead:
March 9: Engaging the Culture Adult Education series begins at 9 AM in Stiller Hall
March 15: Women’s Potluck Breakfast in Stiller Hall at 9:30 AM
April 4-6: Women’s Retreat at Camp IAWAH. Details and registration here.
VESTRY MEETING (Annual General Meeting) on Sunday
We ask all members to join us for our Vestry Meeting taking place this Sunday, February 23 following our Sunday service. If you are unable to make the meeting, please make sure to submit a proxy form, designating another member who will be in attendance to vote in your place. There will be proxy forms available to fill out on Sunday morning, but you can submit a proxy form in advance by printing it, signing it, and emailing a clear scan or photo of it to the church office at
All Vestry materials have been sent to the membership via email. There will be a limited number of printed Vestry materials available on Sunday for those unable to access email. Please plan on bringing a lunch to eat in the pews during the meeting. Regular attendees are welcome to attend the meeting, but do not have a vote.
Tax Receipts Issued
Tax receipts for giving to the church from January to December 2024 were emailed Feb 18 to parishioners for whom we have an email address on file. Please make sure to open your email and download the receipt soon because it has an expiration date of March 5.
For those without an email address, your statements will be posted this coming week. In addition, due to the changes CRA implemented for Charities this year, tax receipts for January to February 2025 will be issued in March.
Choral Evensong Service on March 1
Our next Choral Evensong service will take place on Saturday, March 1 at 5 PM. Until June 7, there will be a Choral Evensong service on the first Saturday of the month.
Choral Evensong is a traditional evening service of prayer, music, and scripture. It combines hymns, psalms, and anthems sung by our choir with readings from both the Old and New Testaments, creating a peaceful and reflective time of worship. The purpose of these services is to take time at the end of the busyness of our weeks for quiet reflection, helping us to pause, give thanks for the week that’s passed, and prepare our hearts for worship the next morning.
We hope you’ll join us at 5 PM on the first Saturday of each month for this beautiful, meditative experience. We look forward to sharing this sacred time with you!
We are soon entering the Church season of Lent, which is a season of penitence and fasting, a time to repent of our sins and to intentionally draw closer to Jesus. Among the ways that Christians traditionally prepared for Lent included confessing their sins on the day before Lent. In Old English, they were shriven, or absolved of their sins and thus, the day before Ash Wednesday became known as Shrove Tuesday.
Another practice among Christians through the centuries was Carnival, which literally means "farewell to meat." During Carnival celebrations, people would use up the ingredients that they would be abstaining from during Lent -- meat, dairy products, fat, and eggs -- by having feasts. In North America, we know this by the name Mardi Gras, or "Fat Tuesday." While different cultures would create various pastries, omelettes, and soups, the British traditionally made pancakes. And that is why we still hold Shrove Tuesday pancake suppers to this day. It is also a great opportunity for us to fellowship together and to extend hospitality to our neighbours in Centretown.
We hope you will join us for our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at the church on March 4, from 5 PM to 7 PM. It is free and open to all.
Sign up here:
What does it mean to be “in Christ”? Is it possible to grow in holiness and stop living a life of sin? What role does the Holy Spirit play in our lives? These are the kinds of questions we are going to explore during Lent, Thursday nights from 6 PM to 8 PM in Stiller Hall. Pastor Ben is going to lead 6 sessions exploring our New Life in Christ through the lens of Romans 6-8:
March 6 – Romans 6:1-14 – Alive To God
March 13 – Romans 6:15-23 – Holiness
March 20 – Romans 7:1-25 – Life Before Christ
March 27 – Romans 8:17 – Life in the Spirit
April 3 – Romans 8:18-27 – Future Glory
April 10 – Romans 8:28-39 – More Than Conquerors
In each session we will study God’s Word, worship, pray, and practice a variety of spiritual exercises to help us cultivate an intimate relationship with the Living God. There will be no cost. Refreshments will be provided. Please register here.
Alpha Course on Wednesdays
The ALPHA Course began on February 12, but it is not too late to join if you would like to. ALPHA is a ten-week course and a safe place to learn about the Christian faith in a relaxed, friendly environment. The course runs Wednesdays 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM (February 12 - April 30, excluding March 5 Ash Wednesday) in Stiller Hall.
Check out the Alpha Trailer:
Register Here:
Our Nursery Blessings continue the Winter series this week - The Life of Jesus. They will look at different stories over the next few weeks. The group will spend two weeks in each story. This week’s story is The Wind That Obeyed.
Our Chapel Lambs learn that Jesus is Calling His Disciples. This week we learn Jesus calls children to follow Him. Jesus came to call and to save the “lost, last, littlest, and least.” As adults we so easily forget this and instead strive to appear “found, first, most mature, and greatest.”
Our Kingdom Kids complete the series Life of Jesus with a review of all the stories we have looked at. These Bible stories show us that Jesus came to give us life. We are born again by believing in Him. He is the source of true bread and living water that sustains us and in the case of Lazarus he even reversed death to bring him back to life. One day we will celebrate with Him as the bridegroom in the greatest celebration ever!
Our Lions of Judah continue their catechism unit: What is the Gospel? The gospel is the good news of God loving and saving his people through his Son, Jesus Christ. In our third lesson we learn God the Father sent his Son Jesus to rescue this world from sin and bring God’s people into His Kingdom now and forever.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Coat and Mitt drive! We are well stocked for the rest of the winter. Our downtown neighbours thank you for your generosity.
Please help us support the Centretown Community Food Centre!
Did you know that our church collects non-perishable food items for the Centretown Community Food Centre? We have a large wicker basket at the back of the church for collecting items and bring them forward with the rest of the tithes and offerings during our offertory hymn on Sundays, right before Holy Communion.
Ideas for food items or details for making a financial donation can be found at
Are you interested in strengthening your marriage?
Starting Thursday, April 24, at 6:30PM, we are going to run THE MARRIAGE COURSE, which is a 7-week course, that helps couples:
Communicate more effectively,
Understand each other’s needs,
Resolve conflict
Recognize how upbringing affects your relationship
Develop greater sexual intimacy
And more
Whether you’ve been married for six months or 40 years, whether you’re in a good place or struggling, THE MARRIAGE COURSE offers practical support to strengthen your relationship.
We want to create an environment where couples feel safe and open to share with one another about the various topics that will be discussed. Each night, you and your spouse will sit at a private table for two. There will not be any group discussion.
If you have children and you'd like to take the course with your spouse, but need assistance with child care, please contact pastor Ben -
On the final night, Thursday, June 12, we will celebrate with a catered meal and a renewal of vows service.
The cost will be $100 a couple to cover the cost of resources (1 book, 2 Journals), refreshments (dessert and coffee/tea), and the celebration meal. Again, if you need financial assistance, contact Pastor Ben.
To make payment e-transfer to (note: Marriage Course)
Check out the trailer:
Register here:
Women’s Retreat: April 4-6 at Camp IAWAH
Join women from St Peter & St Paul’s and other Ottawa Valley parishes in our diocese for the Love Covers retreat. The theme of the retreat is: More Grace, More Love, More Jesus. Rev. Jane Parent will be our speaker and Pastor Michelle will be the chaplain for the retreat.
Come for a weekend filled with joyful worship and inspiring teaching sessions in the warmth of a cozy hall. You will have opportunities to connect in small groups, ask questions in the larger gathering, and engage in meaningful conversations.
There will also be plenty of time to relax, enjoy the outdoors, have fellowship, seek prayer, or spend quiet moments alone with God. For full details and to register click here.
ONLINE MORNING PRAYER: Online Mondays - Saturdays at 8 AM
Everyone is invited to join us on Zoom daily for Morning Prayer. Morning Prayer is a great way to start your day with prayer, Scripture, and Christian fellowship. Please reach out to the parish office at to get connected.
Thursday Morning Bible Study: Online at 10:45 AM
The Thursday morning Bible study meets at 10:45 AM and ends at noon. We meet on Zoom and all are welcome! Please reach out to the parish office at to get connected.
Hospitality Team
The Hospitality Team is a wonderful opportunity to serve at the church in a low-commitment volunteer position. Even those who can only help out once or twice a year are welcome to join the team. Members of the team can choose how they would like to help, such as buying and preparing food, making coffee and tea, serving food, and helping with clean-up. For more information or to sign up, click here.
A Place To Go
Our church runs a weekly drop-in on Friday evenings from 7 PM to 9 PM called A Place To Go. This is a safe space for people who are looking for a friendly face, a cup of coffee or tea, free homemade soup and sandwiches, some conversation and even a prayer. We have volunteers from our church who once a month make the soup and sandwiches and volunteers who purchase the other groceries needed from the supermarket. We also have volunteers who spend one Friday night a month at the church serving those who gather. If you would like to learn more about A Place To Go or volunteering, please click here or speak with Pastor Michelle.
Our Playgroup meets on Tuesdays from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. We gather with our little ones and their caregivers in our Nursery space.
Donate with Easter Blood Drive Ottawa!
The 2025 Ottawa Easter Blood Drive encourages Christians to donate blood or plasma, and by doing so, demonstrate Jesus' love to our city. While 1 in 2 Canadians are eligible to donate, only 1 in 81 does – yet each donation can save up to three lives. Book an appointment to donate at Canadian Blood Services donation sites (Carling Avenue for blood or Place d’Orleans for plasma) from March 29 – April 5.
It’s easy to make your donation part of our team effort. Simply:
Sign in or create your donor account at the Partners for Life portal on the Canadian Blood Services website at or on the Give Blood app.
In your account, click on “Join a team” by typing and selecting the Easter Blood Drive Team.
Book your appointment to donate between March 29 – April 5.
Donate once or, to have more impact, as often as you are eligible in the coming months.
Questions? Visit, speak to parishioner Rob Linke, or email
The Easter Blood Drive is sponsored by Love Ottawa and CHRI Christian radio, and partners with Canadian Blood Services.
The best connections are made in person and we sincerely hope to see you here on Sunday mornings and for other ministry events. But when we can’t be together, there are a number of ways for you to stay connected with St Peter & St Paul’s.
Check out our Facebook page for livestreams of our services, audio recordings of our sermons, and other news and posts.
You can also listen to our Parish podcast and sermons on your favourite podcast app by searching for “peterpaulottawa” and subscribing.
And there is also our Website where you can listen to our sermons and podcasts, sign up for events, and read an extended cut of weekly parish update.
Church Office Hours
The church office is open from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM Tuesdays through Thursdays. You can reach the office by phone at 613-235-1636 or by email at
WORSHIP: 10:30 AM Sundays
We gather together for worship at 10:30 AM on Sundays, both in-person at the church and online on our Facebook page (
Please use the Worship Guide to follow along with the service. You can join us in person at 152 Metcalfe Street.
Parking: There is a paid lot directly behind the church on Gloucester Street that offers all-day parking at a flat rate on Sundays. For street parking, please check posted signs and pay stations. Please note that City of Ottawa Pay & Display machines do NOT use QR codes. City Pay & Display machines accept coins, credit cards and payments via the PayByPhone app.