Parish Update
Almighty God, whose Son our Saviour Jesus Christ is the light of the world: Grant that your people, illumined by your Word and Sacraments, may shine with the radiance of Christ’s glory, that he may be known, worshipped, and obeyed to the ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
A Message from Bishop Dan Gifford
Dear friends,
As we enter into 2025 and this Epiphany season we have new opportunities every day to let the words of God shape us, fill us and guide us. The word of God written, the Bible, is an extraordinary gift and by it we know His redemptive plan and the good news of His glorious grace for us in the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The apostle Paul told us that all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). Jesus opened the Old Testament to his disciples and showed them how He was in it all (Luke 24:27). In Colossians the Apostle Paul exhorts the church to let the word of Christ dwell in them richly (Colossians 3:16), and this is our prayer for all of us in the Anglican Diocese of Canada as we seek to be Biblically faithful, Gospel sharing people.
So, join me in seeking to make Bible reading an even greater priority in our lives this year. I know it can at times be difficult, as life has so many competing tasks, needs and draws, and we only have so much time each day. But with every morning God has new mercies for us, and each day new opportunities to again root ourselves in God’s words and truth, and to let Him form us by them.
Here we’ve included some plans which may be of help to you in reading through the Bible. Each has different strategies for how to cover the expanse of Scripture in helpful ways. Some also have short devotional guides which can help you consider what you’ve read.
A further way to foster God’s word dwelling in you is through catechism. This week the To Be A Christian catechism app has just been released for Apple and Android devices, and I highly recommend it to you. Much work has been put into this app and it is a very friendly way to interact with catechism.
Friends, I pray that in one way or another you will keep coming back to the Bible over and over and let the word of Christ dwell richly. May you be transformed by the renewing of your mind as God forms you through His powerful Word this year.
Yours in the Grace and Peace of Jesus,
The Right Reverend Dan Gifford
Diocesan Bishop for The Anglican Diocese of Canada
UPCOMING EVENTS – Mark Your Calendars
January 18: Women’s Potluck Breakfast at 9:30 AM in Stiller Hall. Sign up here.
January 19: Sunday Service with Junior Church and Nursery at 10:30 AM
(“Building on a Firm Foundation” sermon series continues.)
January 19: Creation Care meeting at 12:30 PM in Stiller Hall.
January 19: Youth Group restarts 6 PM to 8 PM on Sundays.
January 22: Midweek Bible Study on Genesis begins at 10:30 AM in the lower chapel
January 22: Midweek Eucharist Service at Noon
January 25: Men’s Breakfast with Bishop Dan Gifford in Stiller Hall. Sign up here.
February 1: Choral Evensong service at 5 PM.
February 6: Thursday Morning Bible study resumes on Zoom at 10:45 AM.
February 8: Trivia Night at 7 PM in Stiller Hall. Sign up here.
Women’s Potluck Breakfast
The women of the parish are invited to join us for a potluck breakfast on Saturday, January 18 at 9:30 AM in Stiller Hall. Please sign up here.
Midweek Bible Study on Genesis 1-12: Wednesdays at 10:30 AM in the lower chapel
The opening chapters of Genesis (chapters 1-12) are commonly understood to be the biblical account of the origins of Creation (Cosmology) and Mankind (Anthropology) plus the early history of the human race from the Fall (Sin) to Abraham (Redemption). This 8-week series beginning on January 15 at 10:30 AM will focus on how Genesis sets the stage for the New Testament understanding of the gospel of grace, as much as it looks back on the tragic consequences of our fall into sin.
Registration form:
Youth Group
Youth Group will kick back off for the winter term this Sunday, January 19 at our usual time of 6 PM to 8 PM. We will also be kicking off our young women’s breakout group during our usual devotional discussion time. If you have not done so already, please register your youth using this form. All questions can be directed to Pastor Harman at
Choral Evensong
We’re excited to announce a special series of Choral Evensong services, taking place at 5 PM on the first Saturday of each month for the next five months, running from February 1 through June 7.
Choral Evensong is a traditional evening service of prayer, music, and scripture. It combines hymns, psalms, and anthems sung by our choir with readings from both the Old and New Testaments, creating a peaceful and reflective time of worship. The purpose of these services is to take time at the end of the busyness of our weeks for quiet reflection, helping us to pause, give thanks for the week that’s passed, and prepare our hearts for worship the next morning.
We hope you’ll join us at 5 PM on the first Saturday of each month for this beautiful, meditative experience. We look forward to sharing this sacred time with you!
Alpha Course: 6 - 8:30 PM Wednesdays, starting February 12
ALPHA is designed to be a safe place to learn about the Christian faith in a relaxed, friendly environment.
Over the span of 10 weeks, we explore a number of questions like: Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? How and why should I pray? Does God heal today?
Each evening we share a meal together, watch a video, and then spend time in discussion.
ALPHA is also a great way to connect with new friends, build community, and grow in your relationship with God.
The course will run Wednesdays 6:00pm - 8:30 pm (FEBRUARY 12 - APRIL 30, excluding March 5 Ash Wednesday) in Stiller Hall.
Check out the Alpha Trailer:
Register Here:
Creation Care at St P&Ps - Sunday, January 19 at 12:30 PM
St P&Ps Creation Care/Green Team would like to invite you to a meeting in Stiller Hall where we will hear from Bill Nuttle who runs the green team at another Ottawa church (St. Matthews). Bill is going to outline some of the activities and resources that his church group is doing to put into practice Biblical environmental stewardship practices. Please bring your own lunch. Speak to Kris Nanda if you have any questions.
Men's Breakfast with Bishop Dan Gifford - Saturday, January 25
The Brothers of St Peter & St Paul’s invite all men of the parish (18 and older) to the next Men’s Breakfast on January 25 in Stiller Hall. Coffee will be served at 8:30 AM, and breakfast begins at 9 AM. The cost is $12.50 and includes a catered breakfast. The scheduled speaker is Bishop Dan Gifford. The deadline to register is Wednesday, January 22. Please use this link to register. Contact Kris N via the church office at if you have any questions or need more information.
Trivia Night at St. P&Ps - Saturday, February 8 at 7 PM
Come join in a fun evening of Trivia (no need to be an expert) at 7 PM in Stiller Hall. (Sponsored by the Subcommittee for the Preservation of Fun). You are encouraged to register by Wednesday, February 5 so we have an idea of numbers. There is no cost, but feel free to bring some treats. Contact Kris Nanda at if you have any questions or need more information.
Anglican Introduction to Missions online course
You are invited to take part in a seven-part course on missions that has just been released by the Anglican Church in North America. Canon Brian McVitty (Barrie) will be leading the course, which began Thursday, January 16 at 8 PM. Each course session will last 70 minutes.
This course will bring to light the rich theological, historical, cultural, and strategic aspects
of global missions with a focus on the Anglican Communion. The purpose of this study
group is to assist every follower of Jesus in the ACNA to meaningfully engage in global missions either through: prayer, welcoming, sending or supporting the mission of Jesus around the world. We will explore the biblical foundations of missions, the history of Anglican missions, and the opportunities today.
For more information, click here. To register for the course, e-mail Canon Brian at
There is no fee for the course except for ordering the student manual, which can be purchased from Amazon.
Anglican Leadership Training Course
Rev. Guy Bellerby (St. John's in Richmond, BC) is leading an 18 week Zoom course beginning this Sunday, January 19 called the Anglican Leadership Training Course. Working through the 39 Articles, the Book of Common Prayer, and Concise Theology (J.I. Packer) it is centered on the discipline of Spiritual Formation and forming leaders. You can learn more here. For further details or to register contact Guy at
A Rocha Canada Outdoor Winter Activities, Potluck Supper, and Presentation in Gatineau Park, Saturday, January 25
You are invited to join A Rocha Canada for a day of winter activities at Gatineau Park followed by a potluck supper and presentation on Saturday, January 25.
If you are unable to attend the afternoon activities, feel free to join us for supper at 5:30 PM and/or the evening program.
At 7 PM, Dr. Carmen Hust will be presenting on Coping with Climate Change Grief: A Christian Response.
Please RSVP to let us know if you will be attending, for directions, and what you will be bringing for the potluck supper.
As part of our Place To Go ministry, we provide those coming in from the cold with items to keep them warm. The most requested items are coats, gloves, and mitts. If you have a new or gently used pair of gloves, mitts, or a coat that you could spare, that would go a long way in helping our neighbours stay warm this winter. Please place donated items in the box at the back of the sanctuary. You may also donate funds by marking them for the Mitt Drive.
Please help us support the Centretown Community Food Centre!
Did you know that our church collects non-perishable food items for the Centretown Community Food Centre? We have a large wicker basket at the back of the church for collecting items and bring them forward with the rest of the tithes and offerings during our offertory hymn on Sundays, right before Holy Communion.
Ideas for food items or details for making a financial donation can be found at
Online Mondays - Saturdays at 8 AM
Everyone is invited to join us. Morning Prayer is a great way to start your day with prayer, Scripture, and Christian fellowship. Please reach out to the office at to get connected!
Hospitality Team
The Hospitality Team is a wonderful opportunity to serve at the church in a low-commitment volunteer position. Even those who can only help out once or twice a year are welcome to join the team. Members of the team can choose how they would like to help, such as buying and preparing food, making coffee and tea, serving food, and helping with clean-up. For more information or to sign up, click here.
Our Nursery Blessings continue learning about Jesus growing from a baby into a man. This is the third of our four-week series on Jesus’ Childhood.
This week our Chapel Lambs will review the stories of Jesus’ Childhood and as we prepare to look ahead to the upcoming unit on Jesus’ ministry. This allows the children to connect the baby Jesus of Christmas to the man who comes with power and wisdom and strength to rescue us from our sin.
Our Kingdom Kids continue the Winter series Jesus’ Ministry. This week we look at the story of Jesus’ first miracle. Jesus reveals to his disciples that he is the Messiah by using his miraculous power to change water into wine. As a result, his disciples put their faith in him.
Our Lions of Judah will look at the question Who is Jesus? Jesus is God the Son, the eternal Word, the second person of the Trinity. He is fully human and fully divine, the sinless, obedient, Son of God.
Our Playgroup will resume this Tuesday, January 21. We will gather in the Nursery space from 9:30 to 11:30 AM.
The best connections are made in person and we sincerely hope to see you here on Sunday mornings and for other ministry events. But when we can’t be together, there are a number of ways for you to stay connected with St Peter & St Paul’s.
Check out our Facebook page for livestreams of our services, audio recordings of our sermons, and other news and posts.
You can also listen to our Parish podcast and sermons on your favourite podcast app by searching for “peterpaulottawa” and subscribing.
And there is also our Website where you can listen to our sermons and podcasts, sign up for events, and read an extended cut of weekly parish update.
Church Office Hours
The church office is open from 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Tuesdays through Thursdays. You can reach the office by phone at 613-235-1636 or by email at
WORSHIP: 10:30 AM Sundays
We gather together for worship at 10:30 AM on Sundays, both in-person at the church and online on our Facebook page (
Please use the Worship Guide to follow along with the service. You can join us in person at 152 Metcalfe Street.
Parking: There is a paid lot directly behind the church on Gloucester Street that offers all-day parking at a flat rate on Sundays. For street parking, please check posted signs and pay stations. Please note that City of Ottawa Pay & Display machines do NOT use QR codes. City Pay & Display machines accept coins, credit cards and payments via the PayByPhone app.